Karl's Drama Group | Englisches Theater am Karls-Gymnasium Stuttgart | Humanistisches Gymnasium mit Hochbegabtenzug

One-Act Plays and Sketches: 2012


  • “The Professor”
  • “On the Pier”
  • “Up to date”
  • “Father of the Bride Speech”

One-Act Plays

1) The Interview

Margaret Alexander, a professor of speech therapy, is applying for a high position at a university. During the job interview, however, she makes the biggest mistake possible and …

Margaret: Lisa Arbogast (JS2)                        

Donald: Felix Ebert (JS2)

2) A Man’s Best Friend

A man’s best friend is not a dog, but his guitar – however, it is totally unimportant whether he can play the guitar. …. On their way to the honeymoon a newly-wed couple gets to know each other very (!) well …

Bride: Alissa Renz (JS2)                                    

Groom: Gereon Berz (JS1)

3) Husbands Supplied

The marriage bureau “Husbands Supplied” has got many clients. Five women, the bureau’s owner and her secretary show a vivid interest in the same young man. They have even locked the doors. But then it turns out that …

Mrs May: Patricia Pantleon (JS2)                   

Miss Jones: Anna Rezutka (10a)

Mrs Wuff: Franziska Grauer (10b)                  

Mrs Bee: Esther Melchinger (10b)

Miss Waff: Pia Siegele (10b)                            

Miss Crunch: Paula Pantleon (10b)

Old Lady: Tessa Renner (10b)                         

The Man: Nuno Dehmel (10c)